Collector's Cottage

One item, one memory.

Collect item, collect memory.

Share item, share memory.

My Photo
Location: Malaysia

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Radio in the 70's and 80's

This was my uncle's radio in the 70's and 80's, is SANYO brand. Even now, the radio still can function [ (~o~) * * ] except cassette player.

At my hometown, we could received Thailand radio stations, so every night, we will tune to the station for listen songs. Even though I'm not really understood their language, but still loved to listen.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Phonograph Record Player

This was my father's phonograph record player in his youth age. The incomplete for the player was I did not have phonograph record for it.
Hopefully in coming future, I can find a phonograph record for it. Then, it will be perfect!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Parcel from Australia

This was the parcel I received from my friend who stay in Australia.

The parcel package design was the characters from 'Finding Nemo'. It is very cute. I like the parcel package so much.

The items she sent to me were children clothes, which is totally out of my size.
So, the singlet and underwears I gave to my cousin. But the little short skirt and parcel package I kept as my collection.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Salt and Pepper Jar

I bought it from gift shop at Kelana Jaya's Giant. Use as my dinning table decoration.

Toothpick Holder

I bought it from a disabled people at SS 2 wet market.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Collector's words

Share collection, share memories.
Share ideas, Share thoughts.
Share feeling, Share passion.